Saturday, 31 December 2011

Jamie Woon- Night Air

It's my final post of 2011 and what a lovely year it has been. Thanks to all the readers around the world who have taken time to read Music Moles and all the artists that have created the music featured on here. Whatever you guys are doing tonight, hope you all have a safe and pleasant night! I'm going to round off with Jamie Woon's 'Night Air', hope you enjoy!
See you next year & let's keep spreading the love through music! Happy New Year.
J Moles x

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Bob Marley- Natural Mystic

There is definitely something in the air right now. I'm not sure if everything seems extra tense in contrast to the merry way people were behaving in the lead up to Christmas but over the last few days there is definitely a feeling of recklessness and some people are just rolling through life with no respect for people or their belongings. These people need to start relaxing and respecting themselves and each other. Enjoy 'Tune of the Day' from Bob Marley 'Natural Mystic'.

J Moles x

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas with Nite Jewel

Seasons greetings to everyone on this cold Christmas day, hope you are all having a good one. Here is a festive 'Tune of the Day' from Nite Jewel, hope you enjoy!
I've been slipping on the posting front this month but I've been super busy moving house, working hard and setting goals but I've settled down now so I'll be posting more regularly in the new year. Hope you all have a splendid day whatever you're up to...
J Moles x

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

ghostandthesong & Chris Rehm- UNSCHÄRFE / SHIMMER

Hi guys, I made it back to London in one piece. Copenhagen was amazing and we also got the chance to head over to Malmo for an evening which was lovely too! I was tempted to throw my passport in one of the canals but thought better of it and here I am...

I haven't posted any songs in a few weeks so here is a whole album for you to listen to instead of 'Tune of the Day'. It's a new experimental album from ghostandthesong and Chris Rehm. 
UNSCHÄRFE / SHIMMER has some interesting sounds and can be noisy at times yet still have a calming effect. You should listen to it all the way through to get the full experience. Enjoy!

There's a limited amount of cassettes available through their bandcamp.
J Moles x