Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Aérea Negrot - Boiler Room

The electronic hole is drawing me back in. Here's Aérea Negrot's Boiler Room set in Berlin, I hope she comes to London soon!. Enjoy...

Moles x

Friday, 23 November 2012

Deep Dark Electronic Hole

Fellow music lovers!! Apologies for the lack of posts recently I have been stuck in a deep dark hole filled with electronic music, so deep I thought I might never come out of it. Slowly but surely I'm managing to crawl my way out, here are a few tunes which have helped...
St. Vincent- Chloe In The Afternoon
The Flaming Lips & Bon Iver- Ashes In The Air
Bear In Heaven- Drug A Wheel

I've also been keeping busy with the transounds radio shows as well as writing for a new magazine Funk The Formula. Check out the interviews I've done so far with Auntie Flo, Automatic Writing, Poulbo, Motel Eola & LIPS. Until next time...
Moles x